Music of the People

Night Birds - Mike Rufo

Story This song alludes to a story of a young couple who decide not to be together yet because the world is stuck in senseless violence, separation, and injustice. They decide to turn into night birds until humanity has had a consciousness transformation that eliminates war, hunger/poverty, and injustice. Of course, the song is as much a set of images and that's just one possible interpretation. Ultimately, it's about belief that a better world is possible and the comfort, love, and support that we provide to each other along the journey. Mike Rufo


March For Our Lives- Ain't Gonna let Nobody

The songs of the Civil Rights movement, the hymns in her minister father’s church, classical musical training, and the songwriters of the burgeoning folk movement of the 60’s provided rich soil and deep roots for Rose’s emerging gifts as a songwriter and singer. Her songs are an artful blend of beautifully crafted lyrics and music, with messages that inspire listeners to greater faith in the human capacity to create “a world of peace, of promise and of grace” (from Real To Me) Rose was a pioneering voice in the Women’s Cultural Movement of the 70’s and 80’s, singing at national and international festivals, touring the United States and Canada. Artists such as Pete Seeger, Ronnie Gilbert, and Bobbi McFerron have sung and/or recorded her songs, as have numerous Women’s and Peace Choruses throughout the country. Contemporary cultural visionaries such as Thich Nhat Hanh, Matthew Fox, and Joanna Macy have included her music in their work.

Betsy Rose Music

Betsy Rose YouTube

Betsy Rose Playlist


The Night That John Prine Died - John McCutcheon

John McCutcheon (born August 14, 1952) is an American folk music singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who has produced 41 albums since the 1970s. He is regarded as a master of the hammered dulcimer and is also proficient on many other instruments including guitar, banjo, autoharp, mountain dulcimer, fiddle, and jaw harp. He has received six Grammy Award nominations.

Memorial Day by Laura Zucker

On a hillside in this northern California town lies a field of crosses, one for every American soldier killed in our occupation of Iraq. This slide show is set to the passionate song "Memorial Day" written and performed by Laura Zucker of Lafayette. The compilation of photos put to music is by Ko Blix of Berkeley, California. With photo contributions by Chris Donton, Lynn MacMichaels and others. Uploaded by Daniel ben Avram. "Memorial Day" copyright © 2010 by Laura Zucker; "Crosses of Lafayette" iMovie copyright © 2011 by Brian Blix.

Vic Sadot

2018-10-13 Vic Sadot Life Celebration Memorial (Everyone, please add names and FB URLs to photos) His life celebrated Saturday in the Community Room at Redwood Gardens, 2951 Derby St. in southeast Berkeley. Victor was an ardent truth teller, a giant of an activist who defended his values & beliefs with admirable passion, a very fine musician and songwriter, and a dear friend. Here he is speaking and singing at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists where he chaired the legendary Social Justice Committee for years. With love & gratitude for all he did for us and for the world. ‎from Phoebe Anne Sorgen for all of us.‎ Vic Sadot Brother Rob Music

Sharon Abreu

The Climate Monologues

“The Climate Monologues” is about: People, Passion, Ideas Vision & Values Facing our fears and rising above them Inspiration, courage and keeping our humanity and sense of humor in the face of critical challenges

Global climate change affects everyone on the Earth. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that our window of opportunity to cut our greenhouse gas emissions to a level low enough to stop the global warming trend over the next 100 years is about to close.

Although many people worldwide have been working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they are still on the rise. With all the good information we’ve had for years now, we are still not doing what needs to be done to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions – carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and others – nearly enough to stop the devastating effects on the Earth in the coming years – more frequent and severe storms, floods, droughts, forest fires, the spread of diseases and destructive insects. These sound like the pestilences described in the Bible. Still, we are not yet acting to prevent them.

Sharon Abreu is executive director of Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education, a tax-exempt nonprofit based in Washington State.