Big money and corporations control our mainstream media and most of our government officials. Their interests are maximizing profits and not the interests of the average person or life on our Mother Earth.
My website is intended to be an ongoing source of information on the many progressive issues, organizations and individuals who are ignored by the corporate media and both the corporate controlled Republican & Democratic Parties.
My website goal is to promote alternative viewpoints that place the interests of the people first.
My website has recently been acknowledged in importance by the U.S. Library of Congress and will be permanently archived interactively and monitored and updated on occasion!
I will continue to add additional information and improvements on this website.
I welcome your assistance and comments. I could use volunteers on information gathering.
This website links to dozens of alternative media sources.
This website links to hundreds of organizations involved with many different issues.
This website links to the websites of dozens of important opinion makers.
This website links to hundreds of sources on dozens of important issues.
Please help spread the word to friends and contacts!
We have so little time to save Humanity and Mother Earth! We need people of all political persuasions to compromise and work for the betterment of all
With Peace & Justice, Michael E Kerr
These are some very important issues about which the Military-Industrial-Media Complex has promoted their own stories (lies) exclusively.
The MIMC has then heavily censored, attacked and smeared viewpoints, individuals and groups in opposition to their lies and distortions of the truth.
Shamefully, even many on the left & progressive movement have chosen to blindly buy into the MIMC lies even to the point of also joining in the attacking and censoring of whistleblowers.
Scientists now give us 10 years to prevent a runaway Climate Catastrophe.
Our Health Care System is an inhumane disaster!
Institutional Systemic Racism Infects Our Total Society
Wealth Inequity is destroying our Society!
Billionaires would like to make our existence meaningless!
The Military-Industrial-Prison Complex would enslave us!
Our Nation is the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World
Corporate Influence & Partisan Politics Prevent Good Legislation
Government/Corporate Censorship and Attacks on Whistleblowers are Meant to Hide Horrible Truths
Trump has Exposed Serious Weaknesses in Our Democracy
The Corporate Political Parties Care Only for the Super Wealthy, Not the People
Congress Guranteed Unlimited Covid-19 Stimulus Help to Big Business Rather than the People
Our Police & Justice System are Corrupt, Broken and Violent
While Covid-19 was real and serious, our government response has been a horrible scam
While war is a crime against humanity, the U.S./NATO acted to force Russia to invade Ukraine
9/11 was an inside job to take away our constitutional freedoms and allow unending unilateral wars
When you allow government and corporate media to demand your obedience & allow them to censor alternative information you better do some investigation on your own because they are hiding something!
Please Investigate yourself! Start here on 3 of the most censored issues!
Chomsky means - Limit the range of discussion but allow free discussion within the acceptable range of parameters.
I have and will be considering discussion outside the government/corporate media parameters of several issues.
Daniel Hale - Drone Warfare Whistleblower
Why I Protest Drone Warfare & Surveilance
Using Drones to terrorize and kill civilians in countries we are not at war with is a horrendous war crime! And against all International Law.
Architects and Engineers have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that World Trade Center building 7 and the twin towers were brought down by demolition explosives and not fires or plane collisions! Over 3000 Architects and Engineers have demanded a new investigation.
This and many other facts prove the government’s 9/11 attack story is completely false and 9/11 was instead an inside job by our government.
9/11 was clearly a false flag operation used to seriously weaken our constitutional rights via the Patriot Act and allow for unending unilateral wars against other nations through the AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE (AUMF).
I supported the election of Bernie Sanders for President, because Bernie deserved our full support. He was our best hope for survival! We were disappointed by his suspended campaign, but now we must move on without him as a Presidential candidate.
Bernie's Special Message - While the Campaign Ends, the Struggle for Justice Continues
Bernie has always said it wasn't about him, but about us and a Progressive Movement! We have Bernie's Progressive Issues Platform! We the foundations of a powerful Progressive Movement in the thousands of Progressive Individuals, Organizations and Alternative Media that have worked tirelessly for many decades. We just need to unite in a common effort to educate and motivate the public masses that there is a better way than the ruthless oligarchic rule of rich corporate elite!
Please become active with organizations promoting Progressive Candidates
Keep up with Progressive News and Opinions!
These are some of the organizations trying to make the world a better place for all!
We cannot be effective Progressives without our Progressive News Sources! Corporate Media is everywhere with seemingly unlimited resources! Over 90% of Americans get most all their news and information from the Corporate Media.
We need to help support and promote Progressive News Sources to counter the distortions, omissions and lies of Corporate Media that benefit Multi-National Corporations and the super-rich against the interests of the people!
Please think about subscribing to one or more this year! Most have yearly subscriptions for less than $25.
Special Appeal for your Support: We have an important Progressive Listener sponsored Pacifica Radio Network with 5 stations across the country all of which are accessible from the Internet. The 71-year-old flagship station KPFA -94.1FM from Berkeley, CA is one of my primary information sources with the radio on all day!
Progressive Media is supported as you have supported Bernie Sanders and other Progressive candidates: one individual donor at a time! Without Progressive Media there cannot be effective Progressive Politicians or individuals!